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off the charts

In Case You Missed It . . .


This week on Off the Charts, we focused on health policy, Social Security, and the federal budget.

  • On health policy, Edwin Park explained how policymakers could reduce overpayments to Medicare Advantage plans. Jesse Cross-Call noted that Wisconsin’s failure to adopt health reform’s Medicaid expansion is proving costly for the state.
  • On Social Security, Kathy Ruffing showed why the Netherlands is not a model for Disability Insurance reform, contrary to some claims.
  • On the federal budget, Richard Kogan set the record straight on the causes and meaning of the recent reestimate of student loan costs.

This week, we released a paper on sequestration and its impact on non-defense appropriations.  We also updated our papers on strengthening the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for childless workers, extending key EITC and Child Tax Credit provisions, and why states should adopt or expand their own EITCs, as well as our backgrounders on unemployment insurance and income inequality.

CBPP’s Chart of the Week – From Our Paper on the Impact of Sequestration:


A variety of news outlets featured CBPP’s work and experts recently. Here are some highlights:

Scott Walker Is One Of The Few Governors Still Cutting Higher-Ed Spending
February 17, 2015

Aid to Needy Often Excludes the Poorest in America
New York Times
February 16, 2015

Republicans Eye Changes to Food-Stamp Program
The Wall Street Journal
February 11, 2015

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